ENG 225 - Children's Literature (Fairy Tales, Folklore, Myths, and Legends)

Your guide to fairy tales, legends, folklore, and myths from all over the world.

Popular Source Databases

Use these databases to find popular sources relevant to your topics.

Using Library Resources From Off Campus


Journals, Articles, and Databases

This page will help you locate databases and journals with articles relevant to your research topics.  Find journals below this box, scholarly databases to the right, and databases for popular sources to the left.




The library subscribes to many scholarly journals devoted to scholarship about folklore and fairy tales, and a small sampling of these is listed below.   The online databases listed to the right will allow you to search through the contents of these journals (and many others), but browsing through an individual journal also gives you the opportunity for more specific topic research.  Click on any of the links below to search within that publication for relevant articles or use the Library Publications search box to search for other journals.

Literary Databases

Use these databases to find scholarly sources for literary and background information about your research topics.