ENG 225 - Children's Literature (Fairy Tales, Folklore, Myths, and Legends)

Your guide to fairy tales, legends, folklore, and myths from all over the world.

Reference Sources

References Tools

Use this page to find reference sources, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, and sources covering the background, history, and interpretation of fairy tales, folklore, myths, and legends.  Hover your mouse over the icon for a synopsis of or more information about any of the sources listed here.

These tools will give you: 

  • An introduction to your subject by briefly covering many points
  • In-depth background on some of the major elements of your topic
  • Vocabulary to search in other resources
  • Bibliographies that provide authors' names to search for in catalogs and databases
  • Annotations that explain, describe, and/or comment on different elements of a text


Anthologies are collections of texts by various authors, often related by theme, literary genre, or geography.  The anthologies listed here are general and/or introductory; anthologies for specific geographic regions are listed on the "Fairy Tales around the World" page of this guide.  For example, anthologies of tales by the Brothers Grimm can be found in the "Germany" subsection of the "Fairy Tales around the World" page.

Background, History, and Interpretation