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How do I?: How do I Use the Catalog

What you need to succeed in the library...

Using the Catalog

Your catalog provides access to the STCC library's collection of:

  • books
  • movies
  • magazines
  • reference books
  • electronic materials

Additionally, we are able to borrow material from 12 other community college libraries through the HELM (Higher Education Libraries of MA) system. This means that if we don't have an item you want, you can check the item's availability in other libraries (see instructions below). If the item is available, it will be shipped here within approximately 4 business days, no charge to you! The information below is a basic introduction to using the online catalog. 


Use the catalog to find items in the STCC or other HELM libraries
To place a hold on an item
Locating an item
To log in to your library account

Use the catalog to find items in the STCC or other HELM libraries. You can search :

  • by KEYWORDS: essential words that you want to see in an item,  ex: "offset printing"
  • by an AUTHOR'S NAME, last name first, ex: King, Stephen
  • by the TITLE of an item, for example: Basic Book of Graphic Arts
  • by the assigned SUBJECT(S) , for example, "Printing," or "Printing America History"





If you don't find what you need or want in the STCC catalog,  you can expand  your search to other HELM libraries. Simply click on the drop down  box where "Springfield Technical" appears and you will see the list of all the HELM member libraries. You can search the collection of an individual library, library group or the entire system by selecting the appropriate choice.














Locating an item:

After searching the catalog, each item's availability, location and call number can be viewed from the results page (circled in red below).



  • Clicking on the title will show more details about the item and give options for placing a hold (if the item is not available), printing the record, adding it to a bookbag list and more.



To place a hold on an item:

  • If an item is not currently available, you can place a hold to borrow it once it's available.
  • Click the "Place Hold" button either below the item in the results page, or on right hand side of the item's page.


  • Follow the instructions on the next page to log into your library account (Login: students - your 7 digit student ID#, Faculty/Staff - your library barcode and Password: last name in all caps).
  • BE SURE to indicate that you want the item(s) delivered to STCC by using the drop down menu
  • Click "SUBMIT"
  • You will be notified by email when the item arrives

To log in to your library account:

  • From the catalog home page click on "Log into your account" on the right side of the page.


  • Login: students - your 7 digit student ID#, Faculty/Staff - your library barcode Password: Default password is your last name in all capital letters.
  • Once logged in, you will see an account summary at the top of the page with your checkouts, holds, or fines. Click on these tabs to manage your account.  There are additional links at the lower left side of the page with more options to manage your account.

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