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'How to' Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you select topics for the How-to Videos?

Ideas are generated in several ways. We started with the concepts covered in all library orientation sessions. Reference and Instruction librarians, familiar with popular library resources, suggested which databases would be good candidates for videos. Analysis of database statistics, keyword searches, and other sources can provide examples of topics. For example, at STCC we have several philosophy sections that focus on the topic of gun control, so we used that in demonstrating our Opposing Viewpoints database. 

We also take suggestions from faculty and students. 

How long does it take to produce a How-to video? 

Each video takes approximately 8 hours to make.

  • Writing Script: 2 hours

  • Editing Script: 1 hour

  • Recording Audio: 1.5 hours

  • Screencasting Video: 3 hours

  • Publishing to Youtube: 30 minutes

How do you promote the How-to Videos?

Videos are referenced in Information Literacy sessions. We make heavy use of our DLOs in an our introductory, one credit, research class, Research 100. There is a prominent link to our YouTube channel on the homepage of our website. We have also included links to our YouTube channel in our email signatures.