This app tracks how much time you are spending on your devices. It offers alerts so you can stay aware of your time and will guide you toward better habits if you think you're spending too much time on your phone.
Evernote allows you to take notes and store them in the app where you can search for them later. You can even take pictures of class notes that you've hand-written and keep them safe in your phone!
Boomerang for Gmail
Use Boomerang to manage your email inbox. You can schedule messages, snooze items until later, set reminders to respond to messages or easily send follow-up emails when someone doesn't respond to you.
Create to-do lists, set reminders and deadlines, and collaborate with friends and family. Wunderlist will help you organize your projects and stay on track.
Time Management Tips from New York University
Tips for more effective personal time management
HBR Time Management
Articles and resources about time management from the Harvard Business Review
Productivity Quiz
How productive are you? Take this quiz from MindTools to see if you could be better managing your time.
Improve Your Time Management Skills
A list of 10 practical ways to improve your time management skills from LifeHack