Students are expected to behave in a civil manner that does not interfere with other people using the facility. Excessive displays of affection, wrestling, and similar physical contact activities are considered a disturbance.
Students are encouraged to use the facility for individual and group work, but students who participate in groups that become disruptive through excessive noise or other disruptive behaviors will be held accountable, individually and collectively, for the group’s actions.
Talking in a normal voice that does not disturb others or quiet cell phone use is permitted in all parts of the library except the Quiet Reading Room.
Playing musical instruments as well as music from smartphones, tablets, and similar devices without headphones is considered a disturbance.
Students are expected to leave the furniture, equipment, and facilities in good condition for the next person’s use.
Food and drink are permitted in the Library in disposable containers, and students are expected to clean up any resulting trash and notify staff of any spills.
Students are expected to follow directions or instructions of library and college staff.
Students borrowing materials (books, laptops, or media) are responsible for returning them on time and in the same condition as when borrowed.
Students may not remove materials designated for "Library Use Only" from the facility. This includes laptops, course reserves, and any other library property so designated.
Students are responsible for paying any fines incurred for lost or damaged materials charged to their library and college accounts.