A database in general is a collection of information organized to be searched by computer.
On the STCC Library Web site, our electronic databases are collections of articles or in-depth reports that you can retrieve through your Internet connection.
The library has subscriptions to both general databases (example: EbscoHost Academic Search Premier) or subject specific databases (example, U.S. History in Context). These databases usually provide full-text access to journal articles. If you want to be sure to retrieve only full-text articles, meaning you will have access to the article right there on your computer rather than getting back only a citation, be sure to click on the "full-text" option on your search screen.
Our databases are purchased for the exclusive use of those on-site, or those holding current STCC library bar codes.
The databases listed above should be helpful for your research about law enforcement and criminal justice.
Discovery is our library's version of Google. It searches all the STCC Library's research databases for scholarly articles covering all disciplines. Search any topic by keyword, and not by question. Example: "gun control."