The guide includes information on finding legal materials on the Web and by using STCC library resources. There are tabs for locating different types of resources (such as cases and statutes) and tabs that describe resources in different areas of the law.
This page does not always includes all amendments to the General Laws. For laws enacted since the last date of the page's updating, see the current years' Session Laws.
Law Library of Congress guide to the U.S. Constitution, includes texts and commentaries, historical texts, documents that influenced the writing of the Constitution, and other legal guides.
Law Library of Congress guide to the legislative process and Congress, includes overview, procedural manuals, Congressional Record, and other Congressional reports and publications.
Current and historical legislative information, including Congressional bill summaries and status, the Congressional Record, presidential nominations, treaties, and committee reports.
GPO Access site, contains the text of public and private laws enacted from the 104th Congress (1995-1996) to the present. Beginning with the 110th Congress (2007-2008), the laws are digitally signed and certified.