You will be working in pairs (1 person from each lab as assigned by instructor) to create a 102 Lab Review Manual. The goal of this completed document will be to assist you and streamline your focus and study for the cumulative practical at the end of the semester. This document will also serve as a resource to the senior class as they prepare for their Clinical Readiness/Competency Exam which is a cumulative practical of all 3 semesters.
Chapter topics for this Manual will be:
Tilt table and CPM chapters will be completed by the instructor.
Each chapter should be limited to 2-3 pages and cover contraindications, technique, guarding and safety concerns, how to measure assistive devices, gait patterns, etc. in a step by step guide both with words and pictures as appropriate. Cite at least 2 resources (not used in the classroom, i.e. you cannot reference the textbooks, class lectures, etc.) in proper AMA format.
Your chapters will be submitted both electronically on blackboard and in written format to the instructor by the due date on the syllabus. Instructor will be responsible for coordinating all chapters into 1 document and providing a final copy in written and electronic format for both the freshman and senior classes.
Each member of the group will also create a case study scenario that will be used by the seniors during the actual obstacle course. The obstacle course (see syllabus for date) is an event that you provide for the senior class to refresh them on the information provided in 102 as they prepare for their final practical and readiness for their full time clinical assignments. Case studies will also be submitted both electronically and in written format.
A short summary of the study; usually describes methods and findings very briefly
Discusses the problem(s) addressed in the article and gives background information
Literature Review
Summarizes previous studies on this topic and identifies any trends or gaps
A prediction of the study's results made by the researchers based on what they already know
Detailed information about how the study was conducted; Discusses procedures, materials, who participated
Data collected during the study, usually presented with charts or graphs
Analysis of the results; Thoughts on the outcome of the study and thoughts on whether further research is needed
Sources used by the author(s) to conduct the study or the literature review