About the STCC Library

Contacting the STCC Library


Building 19, 2nd Floor
Springfield Technical Community College
One Armory Square
Springfield, MA   01102

Circulation email

Call Circulation: (413)755-4532

Email a librarian

Call a librarian: (413)755-4549 

Parking Information



Library Staff available during Library Hours

Circulation Services & Policies

Circulation Policies


Members of the STCC community have full borrowing privileges at the STCC Library, located in Building 19, 2nd Floor, provided they are actively registered in the college system and their records are in good standing. 

Database access and e-content are available to all students, faculty, and staff using the following credentials:

Username:  STCC ID number 

Password: Last name in capital letters.

STCC borrowing privileges are extended to current students, faculty, and staff of the Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield consortia provided they have registered with their institution’s library and have library records in good standing. College library cards or IDs are required at check out. STCC students, faculty, and staff have reciprocal borrowing privileges at these institutions in accordance with their circulation policies. 

The length of time an item will circulate is dependent on the format and type of library card used to borrow. Most items circulate for one semester. Print material may also be renewed once through the library catalog or by the Circulation staff in the library.

STCC students must return all borrowed material prior to the end of each semester. Failure to do so will result in a library block placed on their college account. Blocked students do not have access to registration, grades, transcripts, certificates, or degrees.


Reserve Material

Reserve material is kept at the Circulation Desk.

Most items are for library use only and require a college ID to access them.

Copy machines and scanners are available for student use. 


Study Rooms 

Study room keys are available to groups of two or more on a first-come, first-served basis at the Circulation Desk.

College IDs are required to borrow keys.

The library staff reserves the right to limit loan periods during exceptional demand.

Patrons will be required to leave their college IDs with the Circulation staff in exchange for the Study Room Key.

The keyholder is responsible for the key, group behavior, and the condition of the room.

Library staff, at their discretion, will terminate sessions if the study rooms are not being used appropriately or if excessive noise disturbs other patrons.

Keys are available to STCC students, faculty, and staff members only.


Digital Loans

Chromebooks and WIFI Hot Spots are available for loan to current, credit-earning STCC, and Gateway to College students.

  • Digital material is loaned for one semester.
  • Digital material must be returned to an STCC library staff member when requested.

Borrowers are expected to follow the existing library and campus computer use policies.

The library is not responsible for the use or misuse of any personal information left on the device by current or previous users.


Damage to the Chromebook and/or accessories will result in a bill for replacement.

    $265.00/Chromebook          $20.00/Charger     $12.00/Mouse

Failure to return a Chromebook by its due date or request a renewal will result in a college block and a bill for replacement.

Damage to the WIFI Hot Spot and/or accessories will result in a bill for replacement.

    $85.00/WIFI Hot Spots     $10.00/Case     $5.00/Charger     $5.00/Cable 

Failure to return a HotSpot by its due date will result in a college block and a bill for its replacement. 14 days after bills are generated, the library will not accept returns and replacement costs are the responsibility of the borrower.

Circulation Staff

Circulation Staff

Kim Noel
Access Services Librarian

Belymer Cruz
Access Services Assistant

Mayre Sullivan
Access Services Assistant

EMAIL: Library_circ@stcc.edu

VOICEMAIL:  413-755-4532